
Beginning Sewing Links

2:04 PM

Image from Alexander Henry fabric
If you want to learn how to sew or are a beginner here are some great resources for you.  Be sure to also check out our free sewing class sewing ideals on our pinterest page, our collection of free sewing patterns and tutorials,  and our sewing videos page

Tips, Tricks & Very Useful Things to Know 
Great advice still! Via Mollie Motts

Sewing Terms  Basic sewing terms to get ya started!
How to get stripes and plaids to match Sewing How-Tos and Tips:Useful things to know including about altering garments.
15 Things a Home Sewer Can Learn From Industrial Sewing : Great productivity tips, and you can never save too much time sewing!
General Overview: Brief sewing instructions for different clothing areas.  

Image via Make it Love it
Interfacing is a fabric like material used to add stiffness and structure to fabric.  It is often used in clothing in specific areas that need extra shape like collars, cuffs, and waistbands, or projects like bags.  It can be ironed on or sewing in, I prefer iron on because it becomes one with your fabric.  Be sure to use a press cloth (a piece of fabric, thin towel, etc made of 100% cotton used to go between fabric being ironed and the iron) if using iron on Interfacing! 

Different Types of Interfacing: A guide for which type to choose.
Cut-Out Embellishment: How to add a pretty cut-out effect to clothes by ironing on interfacing and cutting out shapes.

Wall art from Sew Different 
Choosing Fabric
Choosing fabric (guide to a beginner sewer fabric shopping)
Knits vs Wovens  How and Why They are different from Craftsy.  Please note sewing with knits is more advanced so start sewing with wovens to begin with.


My How to Read a Pattern Lesson
Burda's  How to Read a Pattern Tutorial
Patterns Demystified: All you need to know about the info and markings found on patterns. 
How to Read Pattern Markings a great page that explains most markings on patterns

Cutting Fabric and Laying out Patterns  
Source unknown found via isewfree.com
Pattern Cutting Basics:  Straightforward steps to cut out your pieces. 
Using Freezer Paper:  To cut out patterns in an easier, non-destructive way.

Sewing Machine Basics and Troubleshooting
Image found via stitch nerd

My Lesson on Dealing with Sewing Machine Issues 

My Lesson: Learning about Your Machine
Sewing Machine Troubleshooting 
Checklist of Common Machine Troubles from New Mexico State University (pdf) 
I highly recommend downloading this pdf to your phone and or printing it and storing it with your machine for handy reference when you have machine problems.  Notice I said when not if 😉!

I hope these links will help fuel your learning journey.  Be sure to check out our free beginning sewing class, and to follow us on facebook , RSS, and pinterest. 
 http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com ©Oh You Crafty Gal!  All rights reserved.  

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