

A Few Things About Me:
  • I love tea, coffee, and chocolate
  • I am a total foodie
  • I love vintage and kitschy stuff
  • I spoil my cat way too much
  • I teach sewing
  • I like to knit and crochet 
  • I like to garden and create recipes
  • I  live in Minneapolis, MN
  • I love all crafts and to DIY anything.
Mr Cat likes to steal my yarn to use as a pillow

I have been designing fashions since I was a little tyke and I never stopped.  I have a degree in fashion design, have interned with the NY designer Daryl K, and launched my own clothing line Ornute through a boutique.  I am currently in the process of moving Ornute exclusively to Etsy.

I currently teach sewing and fashion design.  This site started as a way to give resources for my students beyond the classroom.  I'm so excited to hear it has helped teach people all over the world to sew.  Thanks for all the great feedback everyone!  I will slowly as time permits keep adding to my free online sewing classes lessons, so like us on Facebook or follow us via RSS, email ,or Pinterest so you don't miss a new lesson.

I've only been knitting and crocheting for a few years, but I am constantly learning and having fun creating new patterns. Check out my shop Ornute to see my latest creations. 

My Other Blog
Minneapolis Homestead

My husband and I grow a lot of our own food on a tiny urban plot in Minneapolis, MN and cook mostly from scratch every day.  Minneapolis Homestead  is where I share my healthy recipes, healthy living tips, gardening tips, and our garden's progress.  We grew over 180 pounds of veggies last year!

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You can contact me at: UrbanHomestead31(at) gmail.com   

Terms of Use
If I use someone else's idea I will always link you to the place I found it. If you see something on this blog that you like, feel free to use the ideas for yourself and/or share them with others. Please do not copy any text or pictures without asking first!


The photos on this blog are sourced in varoius sites from the internet (apart from the ones taken by me). Original source is always mentioned. If you feel your photo rights have been violated or they have been presented in a negative way, please send me an email. I´ll remove them from my blog immediately. Thank You!

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