
Welcome and Intro to Free Sewing Class

6:16 PM

Welcome to sewing school!  I started this blog as a way to add to the experience of my sewing students as an online accompanist to my class, an outlet to share crafts I find online that I love, and to share my own tutorials and projects.  I  have 20 years experience and have a degree in fashion design and love to share my passion for sewing.
When it comes to learning sewing I have found a variety of fantastic tutorials and videos.  Since I have not found a site that has combined all these great tutorials online together in a way that makes sense to a beginning sewing student,  I have decided to create a sewing class based on the best tutorials online.  This is meant to coincide with the sewing classes I teach (as an additional resource to class) and to help anyone who wants to learn how to sew for free. I plan to post lessons when I can.
Sewing Community: Because Sewing Is More Fun With Friends!
I hope that this site will serve as a way to meet and help others who are learning to sew too, so feel free and comment after each lesson and start a conversation.   In my (non virtual) classroom I try to create an environment of cooperative learning, where everyone helps each other.  I hope to create the same environment in this virtual environment.  It helps to learn alongside new friends so introduce yourself!

Have A Question or Comment?   No Problem Just Ask!
Repeat after me, "There are no dumb questions."  I have learned that my students often ask the best questions and remind me of what my students don't know that I'm assuming they know. It's easy when you have mastered a skill to forget what beginners know and don't know.  So feel free to ask a question or comment below!

1947 painting image via

How Can I Use Sewing?
Sewing can become a fun hobby, or a useful skill in fixing clothes and things around the house.

Practical Reasons to Learn How to Sew
My last sewing class was interested in learning how to fix and tailor their clothes.  So  I created an how to fix and alter series as a supplement to my (non virtual) class.  How many times have you given away your favorite clothes because a seam busted open?  Did you know it only takes like 2 min to fix on your machine.  Or maybe you have to hem EVERY pair of pants and jeans.  Yikes that adds up.

Make Personalized Gifts 
Think of all the cool gifts you could make!  Anywhere from quilts, to stuffed animals, play clothes, pet toys, purses and bags, etc.  I recently made my niece a princess play outfit (tutorial soon to come).  Sometimes you know what your loved one wants and you can spend hours looking for it everywhere.  I have found it's easier just to make it myself.

You Can Make Anything You Can Dream Of
How cool is that?  This is my favorite reason.  When you get to the advanced level anything you can think of is possible.  Saw a really cool dress you fell in love with but nearly fainted when you saw the price tag?  What if you could make it yourself instead? 

  • subscribe to this blog
  • Introduce Yourself.  Leave a comment on this post introducing yourself to the class and tell us about any sewing experience you might have. Link to your blog if you have one so we can learn about each other.
  • become a follower on Facebook and or sign up for our email list
Next Lesson: Lesson 2 Guide to Buying a Sewing Machine

lesson 1: Welcome and intro 
lesson 2:  Guide to Buying a Sewing Machine
lesson 3: Sewing Machine Supplies
lesson 4: Getting to Know Your Machine 
lesson 6: How to Sew Straight, Curved, and Corners
lesson 7: How to Sew a Basic Seam
lesson 8: Trouble Shooting your Machine 
lesson 9: Basic Sewing Terms
lesson 10: How to Fix Tension on Your Sewing Machine
Lesson 11: How to Read a Sewing Pattern Envelope

Beginning Sewing Links: some of my favorite links that are great for beginners 

 http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com ©Oh You Crafty Gal!  All rights reserved.

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  1. Hello,
    I just found your wonderful blog through pinterest!! So glad that I did. I am now following and also ~♥~ your facebook page.
    Have a wonderful evening,

  2. My husband bought me a sewing machine and I so want to sew, I just don't have The skills. Hahaha thank you for making The time to put up this amazing blogs and sharing What you know. Thank you thank you.

    1. Thanks for showing your appreciation Gabby, it helps to know I'm helping someone and that my time spent creating a free sewing school is worth it. Time permitting I plan to add more lessons to our sewing school (most likely sometime in Oct), to coincide with my sewing classes I teach. So check back often or follow us so you don't miss any new lessons! Let me know if you ever have any questions about any of the lessons via comments or email. Happy sewing!

  3. Hello,
    I also found this blog through pinterest and I'm happy i did. my knowledge of sewing isn't that great but its something Ive always had an interest in and there isn't many places around where i live that teach. I don't have a sewing machine right now but when i can afford one i have a few ideas of what i want although they do intimidate me a bit. So I'm glad Ive found this blog to help me along trying to learn thank you for making it!!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your interest in my lessons. It takes a lot of time to create it, so it helps to know my hard work is appreciated. Have you looked at our lesson 2: buying guide for sewing machines? http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com/2012/01/sewing-school-lesson-2-buying-guide-for.html If not I would suggest reading this before buying a machine. I would suggest buying a used one from an estate sale for the best value (I give more details in the lesson). Since writing that lesson I have gone to many estate sales and they often have sewing machines (which are usually in my opnion better than new) and are very reasonable you can look online before going to the sale to know if they have a sewing machine or not. I hope this helps. Have you looked to see if you have any commmunity education classses teaching sewing in your area? That's where I teach through. In fact I'm starting my class in a few weeks so I'll likely be posting more lessons soon. Let me know if you ever have any questions Jaci!

  4. Hello,

    Just found this blog and i do not know anything about sewing but just got a sewing machine. I hope following your blog would give me basic knowledge about sewing so i can learn. Thanks for the write ups.

    1. No problem Omome! Just let me know if you have any questions via comments or email. Happy sewing.

    2. Hello,

      I found this blog via google search and I am so happy I did. It is exactly what i have been looking for. I took a sewing class back in highschool and now I now its 13 years later I would love to learn to sew again as most of what I learned back then i have forgotten. My husband and I now have our first child and I would love to learn to sew some things for her and myself as well. I'm really excited to learn to sew again. Thank you for taking your time out to share these lessons with us. I am a beginner sewer all over again. My husband recently purchased me a sewing machine a Singer Sewmate 5400. I spent time today learning to thread the machine and the bobbin and was successful at doing so and now I'm ready to learn to sew again.



    3. You sound like most of my students in my real life classroom Mary. Most have had a little experience but have not sewed for a long time. You'll pick it up again no problem. Thanks for appreciation of my lessons. I have been getting so much great responses to my sewing school that it has been on my mind to create some more lessons and revamp the online sewing school as soon as possible. I do some serious gardening (check out my other blog to learn more about that and to get my recipes http://theurbanhomestaed.blogspot.com), so that's been my priority lately. But I'm close to wrapping all that up soon. So make sure to subscribe via email and facebook to not miss out on any new lesson plans and feel free to ask me any questions via email, facebook, or comments on this blog Mary!

  5. Thanks so much for the response, I will definitely check out your blog on gardening and recipes, we just purchased our first home this past September and I am looking forward to getting out prettying up our yard. :)

  6. Hi. My name is Leanne Richards-Williams and I am here because I want to revive my basic sewing skills as a hobby and to prepare for a seasonal market (to earn extra cash). I am a work-at-home mom and wife in training. :)

    1. Thanks for introducing yourself Leanne. Learning how to sew can be a great way to earn some extra cash given that you make a product in high demand. Especially in our world of technology (online stores like Etsy), but also the old fashion way at local craft fairs and farmer's markets. Good luck Leanne ,and happy sewing! Let me know if you ever have any questions via facebook, comments, or email.

  7. Hey y'all, My name is Stacey and I'm a Marine wife and a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful children. I am currently in NC and will be soon moving to PA. I love trying new crafts and recently just purchased my sewing/embroidery machine. My first project was a pillow case dress and it turned out pretty good. I also purchased a sewing pattern from Walmart and WOW!! soo confusing lol. Ill wait to finish that one when i get more experience and have a better understanding. I'm excited to start this!! Soo happy that i have found a place where i can learn.. Thank you!!!

    1. Thanks for introducing yourself Stacy. Reading patters is so confusing. I completely agree! I'm just starting to have enough time to work on some new lesson plans (hearing from everyone taking the class has been motivating me to work on new LP!). I plan to do my next two new lessons on sewing machine troubleshooting and tension. After that I will likely add a lesson on reading patterns. My advice until then is to not get lost in the details of what the instructions are trying to tell you to do. This is where my students usually have te most problems. Ask yourself what is it asking me to do? Put in a sleeve, a zipper, hem the bottom?, etc. If the directions for that step don't make sense. Look up a video on you tube on that technique than reread the instructions. Hope this helps! Let me know Stacey if you have any questions along the way via facebook, comments, or email. Feel free to post a picture of your project you made on our facebook page. I'd love to see it!

  8. Hello, I'm Christy. I'm 36 years old and I like to collect dolls, mostly I used to collect barbies and they would stay in their boxes, but recently I have gotten into Ball Jointed Dolls and seeing all the interesting and beautiful clothes people make for their dolls I said to myself "I really wish I could do that!" So I decided I wanted to learn to sew my own doll clothes for them. I think it's wonderful because the sky is the limit for what you can make if you have the know how. I unfortunately don't yet, but I took the plunge and bought my very first sewing machine and I did manage to make a dress (mistakes everywhere) but all things considered it was a solid first effort considering I had no help. However, after that experience I decided I could benefit from some more education! I want to start with basics and work my way up to more complicated projects so I'm here to learn whatever I can. Thanks for the blog!

    1. Welcome to class Christy! Thanks for sharing. Making doll clothes should be fairly easy and you won't need much fabric! I think tiny doll clothes would be harder than larger dolls so I would start with that first. And just know that you'll get better with each project because making mistakes is how we learn, and all sewers make lots of mistakes! Let me know if you have any questions about learning to sew!

  9. I just got my 1st machine having never sewed anything before! Not even by hand! Hole? Straight in the bin! So far I've made a few bibs for the baby and yesterday finished my pram liner! Not perfect but I'm proud lol x

  10. OMg I'am very glad that i found your blog ...my name is Nour (i'm from algeria) when i was a little i didn't realy care about sewing(or anything els haha) but then i met this girl who looove sewing (she's very emmm {enthusiastic} ! in sewing) so she used to talk about it a looooot.. any whooo that How i fell in love with Sewing and i have a sew machin but i neveeer touch it and i really want to sew and make my own cloths

    1. Welcome to our class Nour. I'm glad to hear your excited to learn about sewing. If you want to learn how to make clothes I would suggest starting with a simple skirt with an elastic band. It's very easy to make. The only hard part is to learn how to put in the elastic. Here's a tutorial to get you started. http://whatwouldanerdwear.blogspot.com/2010/05/lesson-plan-worlds-easiest-skirt.html Hope this helps Nour!

  11. Hi there! I am Karen Sauls a 43 yr old wife and mom from NC. I am so happy I found your site. My Granny taught me how to sew by hand when I was growing up. Her machine had a knee press instead of a foot pedal to sew. She had bad knees so she would just sew by hand. I have a basic brother starter machine and can sew some, but wanting to know more about how to sew properly. I do alterations at my daughter's dance stydio and also design, decorate and embellish dance costumes. It is so much quicker to use the machine. I want to learn how to sew dance leotards, sports bras and shorts so I can embellish them with ruffles, etc and sell them at the studio. I am excited to start learning!

    1. Hi Karen welcome to class! Do you work on dance outfits by hand? Since you will be working with knits I would suggest getting use to sewing with them on the machine. Knits can stretch when sewing which can make them more difficult than woven fabrics (non knit fabrics). They also need less seam allowance which is only applicable if your are making your own patterns(if using a pattern follow what the pattern says for seam allowance). If you have not ever put ruffles on with a sewing machine I would suggest practicing that for awhile. At some point I plan to create a lesson on that but until then you can check out these tutorials:http://www.whatthecraft.com/tuts/ruff.htm http://tearosehome.blogspot.com/2010/01/tutorialruffle-shirt.html

      Hope this helps Karen! Let me know if you have any questions.

  12. Hello my name is Kim. Since my daughter lives 6 hours away from me It is difficult to teach her how to sew. I love your site and will be referring her to it. Thank you for you generosity and sharing your knowledge.

  13. Hello! My name is DeKenya. I have 0 experience with sewing but have always wanted to learn! I want to eventually make some clothes for myself and my baby! I'm so happy that I found this blog/ class! Thank you so much.

  14. Hi Julie,

    I have always wanted to try sewing.
    My mom is a professional tailor since 40+ years, but I never took her advice/ wanted to learn while I was living with her :( Although she did try to teach...
    Now I live away and I miss what I could have learnt with her.

    I just happened to come across your blog, hoping there would be someone who would teach right from scratch and I am so happy to follow your blog. I hope I will continue and surprise my mom with a dress for her soon.

    God bless you and thank you for putting this together for us.


  15. Hi my name is Sasha. I have 0 experience about sewing but it was always something that am interested in. And I am looking forward to broaden my horizon. Thank you.

  16. Hello, I am a sahm who also homeschools. My six year old daughter loves fashion and has asked me to teach her how to sew. Looks like I better learn first!!! I have NO experience, I can't even sew a button on properly. I am very excited to go on this journey with you all and my daughter. Liz

    1. Hi Liz Welcome to class. I have taught children once through a summer program grades 3-6 and they are quite capable of learning. I think 6 years old might be a bit young according to teach kids to sew most are ready from age 7-8, but some are at age 6 http://www.teachkidstosew.com/sewing_student_check.html I would recommend starting with small easy fast projects. Although my students were capable of making our project (an elastic waistband skirt) some seemed to lose interest quick and seemed to want more immediate gratification. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions along the way via FB, comments, or email. Happy Sewing!

    2. Hi! I'm Trish. I've been sewing a bit but tend to get confused or frustrated and give up or pass the project onto someone else to finish. I work second shift and most of the sewing lessons in this area are offered when I'm at work. Thank you!

    3. Hi Trish, Welcome to class! Sewing can be very frustrating, especially when you are learning, but hang in there. For every mistake you make you learn what to watch out for next time. It's all part of learning, and it will get better. In the meanwhile one tip I will give you is too keep going if possible when you are on a roll and to stop for the day when you are having problems. If you sew when you are frustrated you are likely to make a mistake and just to get further behind in your project and more frustrated. Hope this helps!

  17. Hello, my name is Henrietta and i'm excited to join this sewing class. I am a talented, just starting fashion designer who is full of wild ideas and wonderful color combinations. And I have always wanted to learn how to sew, so I'm really glad I found this blog.

  18. My name is Michele I'm so glad to find your classes I hope you will be the one to finally teach me how to use my 1960's model sewing machine. Sewing has been the one thing I would love to learn but could never understand?

    1. Hi Michelle. Thanks for introducing yourself. That's great that you have an old sewing machine. I prefer them because they were made to last! I truly believe anyone can learn to sew. It just takes some patience and lots of practice! Happy sewing!

  19. Hi. My name is Heather. I haven't sewn in more than 2 decades but decided to jump back into it in order to make my nephew a sensory blanket. I can't wait to finally put this sewing machine to use.....finally

    1. Hi Heather welcome to class! Thanks for sharing. I often have students in my class who have sewn before but not for decades. It should be much easier to pick up sewing again rather than learning the first time. Let me know if you have any questions along the way.

  20. Hi, my name is Mary. I have never sewn anything unless you want to count plastic canvas. I want a more rewarding hobby and making things from scratch is where I want to be at. Thanks for these lessons to help me get started!

  21. hi, I'm Yanike. I had sewing class years ago in high school. Haven't been around a sewing machine in a very long time. thought it would be nice to refresh what I learnt.

    1. Hi Yanike welcome to class. Thanks for introducing yourself to everyone. As I told Heather before this class is designed to teach newbies to sewing but is also great as a refresher. God to see you want to sew again. Let me know if you have any questions while learning via comments, FB, or email!

  22. Hello! My name is Masami and I am totally new to sewing. I have no idea I am so bad at doing anything about sawing when my mother is so good at sewing and everything else. I did tried to learn sewing when I was a child but I was so bad at it my teacher was even disappointed with my project. It was kind of traumatic so I was been ignoring to learning. Now, after more than decade later, I start thinking this year I wanna learn sewing and make new rewarding hobby in my life. I am currently dealing with significant medical issue so I had to leave my job. I am at home all the time and I am board. It is perfect time to learn something new. I hope I learn good here! Nice to meet all of you!!

    1. Hi Masami, welcome to class! Do not give up on sewing! Everyone learns differently. If you don't catch on to something right away it does not mean you are bad at it. You often were just not shown it in a way that makes sense for you. I have had students who have taken longer than others to catch on but they always do. I had a child in two classes of mine once who was terrified of the machine. Instead of having her do two projects I had her do one in both classes. She finished the project just fine and got over her fear of the sewing machine. Many teachers would have just given up on her, despite the fact there was nothing wrong with her.

      Keep trying please don't give up if this is something you really want to do. My advice to you is to start simple, and build your confidence. Check out my pinterest board "First sewing projects" for some ideals http://www.pinterest.com/pjewles/first-sewing-projects/

      If something doesn't make sense to you seek out info in a way that makes sense to you. Some examples are online tutorials, videos, books at your library, and classes (local fabric stores and community education are good places to check out). Just don't give up and don't worry about making mistakes. Mistakes and practice is how you learn. Anyone who is really good at sewing made lots of mistakes and have likely put thousands of hours into learning before they were good at it. I bet if you ask your Mom about mistakes she made sewing she would laugh and have lots of stories about how she screwed up. I know I do.

      Hope this helps Massami! Let me know how your sewing is going and if you have any questions along the way.

  23. Hello There
    Im Alyssa my brother got me a sewing machine cause I was sick of buying cosplays online.but I have no idea how to use a sew machine nor how to sew.Im hoping that this class will help me out,so I can make amazing cosplays ^_^

    1. You'll have to show me your first costume that you make. :) Feel free to email me a pic of it when you finish.

  24. Hi! My name is Melody, and I am a craftaholic! I love to crochet, quilling, plastic canvas, decoupage, scrapbooking, loom knitting(never got the hang of needle kbitting), almost all crafts. As for sewing, if needed I always hand sewed projects. Sewing machines have always intimidated me. So many buttons and knobs!!! Quilting is one craft I have always wanted to learn, but the sewing machine has always held me back. My younger sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 4 months ago, first girl in our family, I have 2 boys. There are way too many cute things I see everyway to make for little girls! So I broke down, bought a Brother CS-6000i sewing machine(digital, no knobs!) and now need to know how to start spoiling my neice! I know absolutely nothing about machine sewing or the machine itself. I googled online sewing classes, and here I am! Very excited to learn and very grateful for you freely sharing your knowledge with me. Before going any further, should I try and get to know my machine some or wil your lessons also cover digital machines? Thanks again!

  25. Hey!
    This blog is fabulous! I am sorta new to sewing. I have an old Brother something and know how to thread it and whatnot. But I'm quite new to machine sewing and am very eager to learn! Thank-you for sharing all this information!

  26. Hello!
    I am an experienced beginner...If that makes sense. If it doesn't, it means I've been stuck at the beginner level for a very long time lol. Recently. I have made little purses with my machine and way back in my high school days I made pillows. I love the process (more often the idea) of being able to transform materials into beautiful things...I just need more help in learning and understanding terminology, techniques and my machine. I appreciate that you have taken the time to share your experience with us online, for free, and I look forward to learning a lot :) Thank You!

  27. Hi! My name is Lacey and I didn't do so well with sewing in high school as I tried a pair of boxer shorts and sewed the crotch to the back of the wasteband lol. Ever since then, I have always said I know nothing about sewing(which isn't really true I know just a little, but obviously not enough!). I am soooo excited to get started because I am a very short slender woman and can never find cute dresses in my size at a reasonable price and always wanted to make my own. Thank you so much for posting these to help all of us. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate it more than you will ever know :)

  28. Hi, I kind of new to sewing, but I did hand sew in elementary school. Hoping to learn a lot from here.

  29. Hi, I wanted to learn sewing...i have my mother's sewing machine at home ..i havent done any sewing before...I am really excited to learn sewing from you..thank you for starting these lessons...hopefully i will learn how to sew with these lessons..best of luck for the good work ! :)

  30. Hi Julie,
    So glad I came across your blogspot, currently taking sewing classes once a week. I am opened to learning a lot from here and also sharing what I learn in my class, thanks for this, it is a selfless thing you are doing....

    1. Hi Lois. Welcome to class. Thanks for introducing yourself. I'm glad your learning from my class. Thanks for showing your appreciation. :) It encourages me to keep making lessons. Taking a class in addition to ours is a good ideal. This online class was created as a supplement to the classes I teach. You can learn a lot online but it still helps to get one on one attention at least to start learning. Let us know what tips you learn or difficulties. Sharing always helps others to learn. :)

  31. Hello I am a beginner and i would love to learn how to sew my own clothes. I think it will be a fun experience and I am so glad I found you!

  32. Hi! Found your site through a Google search. I'm 7 months pregnant and just stopped working (my job is really hard to do while pregnant), so I ordered a sewing machine and plan to make baby clothes as a past-time/hobby during the wait and hopefully afterward, too! Thanks for putting this site up, it looks like it took a lot of time and effort.

    1. That sounds like a great plan Jessica. There are so many adorable things you can make for babies. I hope my class helps you to start! And thanks for appreciating my time making it. When I first created this sewing class no one commented for a long time so I never knew if it was even helping anyone. Comments like these encourage me to keep adding lesson plans. Which by the way the next lesson I add will be on understanding what is in the pattern envelope so check back soon! Happy Sewing.

  33. Hi! My name is Cassandra! I found your lessons through Google! You popped up at the top of my list, so you must be helping more people than you realize (; Any who! I buy a lot of personalized shirts from a woman who lives by my mother. I just out in my list to her of the fall/Halloween shirts I want. I got to thinking, why can't I make these shirts? Why am I spending $20 per shirt when I could put the time and effort in and do it myself?? So that's when my search began! I currently do not own a sewing machine. I am looking for recommendations of good brands that are budget friendly that can do what my end goal is....personalized shirts/outfits for my kiddos (: Thanks for all your time and effort! It's greatly appreciated!

    1. Hi Cassandra welcome to class! Making custom things for your kids is a great reason to learn to sew. You should check out lesson 2 for my guide to buying a sewing machine. http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com/2012/01/sewing-school-lesson-2-buying-guide-for.html Hope this helps!

  34. Hi there! My name is Amber and I am so excited to have found your blog! I took sewing lessons all of 2 times a few years ago and I bought a sewing machine over a decade ago that I never really learned how to use, so it's just collecting dust in my attic. I registered for an Intro to Pattern Drawing and Sewing class at an art school that begins next week, so I'm trying to get as much info as I can! I ultimately want to learn how to make my own clothes, because the world does not like to produce things that fit muscular women and I'd love to have a button down shirt and well fitted pants that I don't feel like the Hulk in ;-)

    1. Hi Amber welcome to class. Being able to custom make your own clothes or things for your home is one of the best reasons I think to learn to sew. It's definitely a skill you will use your whole life. My main goal for my students is to build a strong foundation to start with mainly being comfortable with your machine (what to do when things go wrong and when do you need to bring it in to be repaired), learning control sewing (sewing a straight line without batting an eye), and feeling comfortable starting a project on your own (buying materials for your project, reading a pattern, and looking for online resources to help with techniques you don't know yet). So I would focus on building your foundation first, and before you know it you will be able to make lots of clothes for yourself and anything else you can think of. :)

  35. Hi my name is Joss. I am 9 and homeschool. So your classes are part of my school. I'm so excited to sew with you, Mrs Julie. Thanks for the free classes! :)

    1. Hi Joss that's so cool that your using my class as part of your home schooling. Be sure to check back every month or so because I do slowly add lessons as time permits. I taught kids sewing and fashion design through community education one summer, so I know first hand that you can definitely learn to sew at 9. Probably the most important thing you can learn is to sew straight. Make sure you are always using a guide when sewing. A guide means to pick a line on the thread plate of your machine (it usually has numbers by it like 4/8 and 5/8 to use for seam allowance. One good way to practice sewing straight is to draw a straight line with a ruler and a marking pen in a different color than the fabric (these disappear when you iron it) and practice trying to follow the line. For a first project I would suggest making a pillow or stuffed animal. Hope this helps Joss. :)

  36. An online sewing class! How cool is that! Your blog is heaven sent for people like me who has interest to learn but has limited options, there are only few design school here and most of them has conflicts with my work schedule. Imagine how grateful I am to land at your blog, thank you very much!!

    1. Thanks for the appreciation. :) Have you looked into community education in you area? They often can offer a wide variety of sewing classes. Another good option for sewing classes is local fabric stores, and chain craft stores like JoAnn Fabrics, Micheals, and Hancocks. Hope this helps!

  37. Hello, I am Shaina Burnett, I have never had such experience but I am ready to learn!!!

  38. Hi all. im a newbie in sewing and altering and i wish to learn them.i hope this site is gonna help me.Julie sews u r doin a great job.thank u

  39. Eek, never touched a sewing machine but I am pretty advanced in a ton of other mediums. Now, it's time to master the needle! I can't wait until I can do my own alterations and save myself the $30 it costs just to take in a waist or add some darts! :)

    1. No time like the present! Being able to tailor your own clothes is a common reason I hear for learning to sew. Be sure to check out my tailoring and altering series! http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com/2011/09/how-to-fix-and-alter-clothes-serious.html

  40. Hello, I just had a baby girl and have become a stay at home mom. I recently purchased sewing machine to begin a new hobby. I am so happy I found your blog through Pinterest as I have no idea what I am doing. I can't wait to make my baby girl some outfits!

  41. Hi, my name is Sharon. I wasn't able to get the link to subscribe to work. I did however follow on facebook. That is a bit more my style anyway.
    I have decided to learn to sew primarily to be able to do alterations, and, also I would like to make some of my own clothing.
    Thank you so much for this class.

  42. Hey! I am so excited to have found this resource. Thank you for sharing your talent in such a generous way. My first experience with sewing was in Junior High, and then I got my first machine as a newly wed. I love to sew. I love my new machine. I named her Svetlana... Ha ha! Crazy lady named her seeing machine! I'm mostly self taught, so I look forward to learning from you. I dream of becoming an amazing seamstress!

    1. Hi Alyssa,
      Thanks for introducing yourself to the class. Your not my first student to name their machine. Hey you'll be spending time together you might as well get to know each other. :) I'm sure you will become an amazing seamstress just as long as you practice a lot. If you have problems just don't give up it, just remember that it will get easier!

  43. Hi Julie!
    I brushed by your blog. And it got me waaaay too interested. Hope you and your blog would help me relearn the sewing machine.

  44. Hi Julie,
    My name is Kay and I want to learn the basics of sewing. I bought a used Brother Mademoiselle machine, had it tuned up, and now I'm ready to learn.

  45. Hi, my name is Toni-Ann and i'm from Barbados!! I have started sewing classes twice before and have never finished...hopefully I will finish this one :D I don't have a blog as yet but I want to start one soon!

  46. Hi I'm Bea I found u while I was scrolling through some sewing pins I sew a little but I want to perfect my skills

  47. Hi! I'm Sarah! I bought my sewing machine 2 years ago, but have generally stuck to pretty basic things. However, I would like to use it more, and learn to sew great things for my kids, my foundation/charity work, and myself. I just stumbled across this site today, and I love it already! It is part of my New Year's Resolution to learn something new and rekindle something old, and I have a feeling this is the start to both of those things! I have a blog: http://mommyscraftingaddiction.blogspot.com/ that I recently started, and can't wait to share projects this site has helped me learn to do!

  48. Hello. I'm Wendy. :) I've been fascinated with sewing ever since Home Economics my Freshman year of high school, 18 years ago. I have sewn a stitch since then. I've never owned my own sewing machine until just last year when my boyfriends mother gave me her mother's old sewing machine. SCORE! It's an old Tacomy Dial n Sew. I've made a few minor repairs all by myself. I'm super proud of that fact. :) then I gave it a go. But no go. I've forgotten how to sew! I've been searching Pinterest far and wide for a good tute to no avail. I decided to search one more time before I ventured out in the real world to pay a tutor. If I'm being honest, that would never happen haha. Luckily I found this blog!!!! I'm over the moon excited! I can't wait to get started! The first things on my sewing list are door draft stoppers and clothing repairs/alters. Thank you so much for providing free lessons!

    1. Hi Wendy. Welcome to class. I'm glad my lessons were what you were looking for. Door draft stoppers are a good ideal for a first project. Be sure to check out my tailoring and altering series http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com/search/label/tailoring So far I have hemming lessons I the series but plan to add more lessons in Spring. Happy Sewing!

  49. Hello and thank you! I have been sewing since I was a child, but badly need a refresher course!

  50. Hi there, my name is Carly and I am so excited to learn to sew! I have two young children and I love the idea of making things for them, whether it be clothes, curtains, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. Really, I would just be so amazed to be able to hem a pair of pants. So imagine my delight when I came across you blog! Thank you for helping me take my first steps into the wonderful world of sewing:)

  51. I just stumbled on this, well, am new to Pinterest and it came up. I sew, but when you sew and stop a few years, refreshers are FabulouS! Thank you for taking the time! I want to learn to sew with knits, so much cute stuff to do. Will You have a class on that some time please?

    1. Hi Melissa, Welcome to class thanks for sharing. I would suggest staying away from knits until you get more comfortable with sewing again. Knits are more difficult to sew because they move on you when you sew. I think doing a lesson on knits is a god ideal. I'm sure at some point I will. Make sure to follow Oh You Crafty Gal via RSS, Email, or Facebook so you don't miss a lesson. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

  52. hello . thank you for this blog . i am new and want to start sewing for my business i will be expanding soon. i am 18 years old and so far i have no machine. but soon i will . thank you again

  53. Thank you. I always wanted to know how to sew.

  54. Hello, I am fairly new to using a sewing machine, I do quite a bit of cross stitch, and I can follow a knitting pattern, I have recently started to put my boyfriends patches on his waistcoat (he is with the armed forces bikers), I'm not really sure what I am doing, I have a 1960 K210 Singer sewing machine that I would like to use properly, the machine was my boyfriends aunties, I am really looking forward to learn how to sew properly. :D

  55. Hi! I'm Madeline! I live in Pensacola, Florida. I was so excited to come across your blog! Thank you so much for putting so much time into helping us learn to sew. I cant wait to get started!!!

  56. Hi, my name is Esteban Albuja, i`m 16 years old, male, and i just started to like sewing, but nobody on my family knows how to sew, so i`m glad that i found this blog, it`s going to be so fun, i don`t have any experience, so i`m going to do my best.

  57. I'm Tabby, Just Happened Across Your Blog. Can't Wait To Get Started Sewing. I'm Just A Beginner, But Some In My Family Already Know How To Sew!

  58. I'm Poojitha and I've never done sewing, but always wanted to learn. My mom used to do dress making though. Have seen her do them and help her in work like putting the thread in the needle or removing a running stitch. So now I really want to learn sewing and start doing some simple projects. I also want to learn designing. So I can make hand made dresses.

  59. I'm Gail. I've done some sewing in the past but it's been a year since I've even touched my sewing machine. I want to make all kinds of things but mostly clothes for my daughter as well as quilts.

  60. Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am as new and fresh to sewing as you can get. I have never even seen a machine close up! But I had a problem to solve and now I need to learn how to sew zippers. I recently bought an adjustable bed. No matter how hard I tried I could not keep the fitted sheet on the mattress. I decided what I really needed was a sheet that zipped all the way around. You cannot find sheets, just ordinary sheets in colors, that have zippers in a store or online anywhere! So, I created a prototype using fabric glue and it was perfect. My problem was solved. But I would like to create them with real sewing now. So, please help me to learn. I truly know NOTHING. I don't own a machine yet. I need to determine which one is best for someone starting as a complete blank slate. Thank you.

    1. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for introducing yourself. Zippers are not for beginners. I advise my students to wait until they feel very comfortable with sewing before ever thinking about learning how to put in zippers. And to do what you want to do would require putting in a very long zippers, that's even harder. I would instead suggest buying a zippered colored mattress cover if you google " mattress cover bed bug colors" and look under image search you will find some. I don't know if they would fit your bed or not, but it's worth a try. Bed bug mattress covers have to have a zipper to be effective. Extra bonus your mattress will be bed bug protected. I had bed bugs once and wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy! If that doesn't work for you and you do want to make one, I would suggest using either no sew velcro (it uses glue)you can find this in most stores like Target Walmart, etc, or snaps (you can find a snaps kit in most craft stores under sewing notions section) or on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Dritz-Heavy-Duty-Fastener-Plier/dp/B005BB5GYS I would still of course encourage you to learn to sew. This class should get you started. After that I would suggest looking for a class in your local community education. For my advice in purchasing a sewing machine, check out my lesson 2: Guide to Buying a Sewing Machine. Hope this helps!

  61. Hi, my name is Julia, Im not new to sewing, I use to sew alot when the kids were little but at some point I stopped.. Just recently I decided to pick it back up. I made a few tings for the kids for christmas, but I found that there was so much I was either unfamilar with or I just plain forgot how to do.. so while doing a search on the internet for some information on sewing and sewing tips I came accrow your blog. I am really looking forward to what your blog has to offer.

  62. Hi I'm Kara and entirely new to sewing. I've committed myself to a volunteer sewing project and need to learn the basics fast! I will have help from friends too. I don't have a machine yet but supposedly have one in the family from my grandmother.

  63. Hi I'm Kara. I'm entirely new to sewing. I volunteered on a community sewing project and need to learn the basics for my easy pattern fast. I'll have help from friends too...I don't have a machine yet and thinking about a desktop model until I can get a family machine from my grandma.

  64. Hello!
    I'm Regina and I found your site via Pinterest. I've done a little sewing but I'm not that good at it. I'm glad I found this site. Will you be posting more lessons?

    1. Hello Regina. Welcome to class. Thanks for introducing yourself. I tend to post new lessons in the spring and fall when I teach my non virtual sewing classes. So hopefully soon time permitting.......

  65. Hi! I am Ligaya. I found your website while searching for an online dress making tutorials. Ive been wanting to learn how to sew and I hope I will learn as I go along with your step by step online lessons. I do little sewing and I can do simple ones only mostly straight lines hehe. Im really grateful I found this site

  66. Great site! I will keep my eye on it :D Thanks a lot!

  67. Hi,
    My first ever sewing machine has been delivered today! Yay!
    I'm super new to sewing and found your blog fantastic.
    Cheers, Najla

  68. Hello, my name is Bianca and I am very new to sewing. I've watched tutorials and joined certain teaching websites such as crafty but I have never sewn anything. I just received my first sewing machine for my birthday in March a Singer simple 1332 but. I look forward to learning more from this blog.


  69. Hi, my name is christy am so happy i would be learning from this blog.thanks

  70. Hi my name is Maria. I recently bought a sewing machine and want to learn to sew. I took home economics when I was in 9th grade, that was in 1999, we learned to hem by hand, which I remember and how to sew in a straight line. I don't remember anything else. I am excited to begin my new hobby! Thank you for the tutorials, I hope to eventually make a quilt! (I know I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I'm determined!)
    Maria Loftin

  71. Hi,my name is Kendi and also very new to sewing. I'm excited to begin as well as very unsure how my first project will turn out. I need to find a beginner type project so I don't let this machine get the best of me. Looking forward to following and learning.

    1. Be sure to check out my pinterest board First Sewing projects. All tutorials in this board are appropriate for beginners. https://www.pinterest.com/pjewles/first-sewing-projects/

  72. Hi, my name is Ebele. I am new to sewing even though I've had an interest to learn but never had the time until now. Looking forward to the tutorials. Thank you.

  73. HI! My name is Katrina. I've actually been sewing off and on for about thirty years! My mom taught me to sew for 4h when I was a little girl but I haven't really practiced or honed my skills as an adult. I'd like to learn more and get more comfortable with my sewing machine so that I can make clothes, home decor items, and gifts.

  74. Hi, my name is Nancy, and I have always wanted to learn how to sew since i was a teenager. However with school and life, I have never had the time to commit. Now that I have finally graduated from college, I want to take the time to learn how to sew. I am glad I found this site because sewing classes can be expensive.

  75. Hi, my name is Elizma, I am a mother of 4, and bought myself a sewing machine 4 years ago, but do not have a clue about sewing, have been trying to fix and mend some garments, but this is not something you can do without some guidance by someone who knows how to sew. Looking forward to learning how to use my machine (Bernina White Pearl Limited Edition) properly.

  76. Hi, my name is Aliisa and I have tried to sew off and on over the years. I usually get frustrated and quit. I just bought a new sewing machine and this time I'm going to forget I know anything and just start from the beginning. I spent the last 2 days becoming acquainted with my machine and now I'm ready to learn! Thanks for putting this class together!

  77. Hello dear julie!
    I am so glad that I found your blog and now I am following your sewing lessons. It's really fantastic. ��������
    thank you
    Madea from Afghanistan

  78. Hi there,
    I'm a young newbie (15) at learning sewing machines. I actually tried to go straight to making a pillow case but it didn't work out. I'm just hoping to learn lessons from here. You don't know how long it took to find a website that doesn't cost! Thank you! :)

  79. Hello, I am Tabetha. I can sew very basic stuff. I would love to be able to sew anything that I want. My husband bought me a brother CE1000prw sewing machine.
    Thanks for letting me join the class

  80. Hi. I'm Femi. I found your blog via google and I'm glad I did. I am into drama costume and it can really be frustrating when you have a concept in my and you cant readily get something close to buy or get a tailor to make for you before production date. So finding you blog is really a big relief to me.

  81. hello i am kim. i saw your blog , i know noting about sewing but am a fashion illustrator, and i hope to be a designer one day, i hope your blog would really help me in sewing. thank you

  82. Hi!

    I'm Jaime! I have no sewing experience whatsoever. I'm dying to have a hobby that is productive! I want to fix my clothes or make myself clothes that I can't find anywhere. I want to make my daughter cute clothes and make cute toys for my cats! But I also want to make cat and dog beds for the humane society and donate them for the sweet babies. I want to make things and give them to the less fortunate. I just want to feel like I am good at something and share it with others. OH! And my 9 year old is going to be learning to sew with me! Bonding!!! lol

  83. I had an comment all typed up and then it disappeared! Ugh!

    So anyway, I'm Jaime! I have no sewing experience whatsoever. I have always felt like I have no talent or no hobbies and I hate it. So I decided that I wanted to try sewing because I can be productive. I can make things that we need or want. But more importantly than making stuff for me and my family, I really want to make cat and dog beds and donate them to the humane society or any other animal shelter. I am currently getting some donations together to donate to homeless children and children living in foster care in my county, I would love to get good enough to make them things as well.

    Oh and, my 9 year old daughter is going to learn to sew with me! Bonding! She has not stopped talking about the cat and dog beds for the animals and shelters since I mentioned it to her. We may be a tad bit obsessed with animals lol.

  84. Hi I'm Chrissy , my mother was a seamstress , how I never learned to sew is beyond me lol. My husband bought me a Brothers SE425 as a gift when I to.d him I want to start sewing as a hobby .Thank you for being here to help !

  85. Hi,
    My name is Sandra Kabano. I have a passion for fashion. I have a small tailoring business. I have been hit by unreliable tailors over and over and today I decided I have had enough and am going to learn how to do it myself. I came across your blog through Google and I can't wait to start sewing.
    The most tailoring experience i have had is taking measurements 😁.
    Thank you so much for this blog. Am sooo excited

  86. Hello. My name is Namphueng Hastheetham.I love embroidery and sewing.

  87. My name is Colleen. I have been sewing since I was 8 years old. I love to make costumes for Halloween from old clothes and extra material have. I have made my own patterns too. I have used patterns too. I have made curtains, hemmed them too. In the past two years I started quilting and I enjoy it. I find you never stop learning. There are few fabrics I still need to learn what needles to use or what tension I need to use. I bought a Janome a year ago and find I really miss my Bernia. I am happy I found your blog. You can find me on Facebook at Stitching with Colleen to see the projects I have done.

  88. Hi! My name is Val Rasmussen. I have always wanted to sew and now am in a cast and bored out of my mind. Thought I would take the next four weeks to learn how to sew. I am excited.

  89. Hi I am Wazeera. I am new to sewing and I hope to enjoy your lessons. I want to be a fashion designer. Taking one step at a time

  90. I'm looking forward to learning from You! I bought a sewing machine at Costco because it was a great price and I want to learn to sew!!! I want to make my own cute little dresses. I just retired for medical reasons and this will be my therapy!

  91. My name is Jeanne and I live in Tennessee. I am excited to learn from you. I would love to make my own clothes. I bought a machine at Costco because it was a great price. I just retired and ready to learn!

  92. Hi my name is Natalie. I remember how much i enjoyed sewing in high school. That was a long time ago. Now that I am retired, I would love to learn how to use this sewing machine I got as a Christmas gift a few years ago. Thank you so much for the online class.

  93. Hi my name is Natalie. I am so glad that I will be able to use this new sewing machine I received as a gift a few years ago. Thank you for your time.

  94. Hi, I'm Nique! I haven't sewn in over 20+ yrs since high school. My step mother taught me basic skills yrs ago. She loved to sew and went to school in Europe for sewing and design. She has passed away and have been on my mind alot lately and wanted to pick up sewing again.

  95. Hi, My name is Mamata and stumbled upon this while searching for tutorials. Its so interesting, I am wondering how I have not found it earlier. Thanks for the lovely tutorials. It is well organized.

  96. Joyie here. This is all what I need,for a full time mom, this will help alot for my dreams related to sewing, arts and crafts. Glad to be here. Thank you!

  97. Hi I'm Claire and I recently retired from nursing and moved to Colorado USA from England to be closer to family.
    I'm starting a new venture in 2018, teaching kids to sew and adults to use their sewing machines!
    So pleased to find this blog. Let's spread the joy of sewing to the younger generation ��

  98. Hello, my name is Tryphena, I am a Fashion Management and Professional Sales graduate. I am passionate about Fashion and when it comes to learning new methods. I want to gain more knowledge on sewing, I didn't really get the real run downs on (fashion Design) and on the perspective side of sewing, but I learned about the marketing side. So I am willing to learn as much, and apply it to my everyday activities.

  99. Hello. I really love to be a fashion designer but I have no money to go to fashion design school so I hope this class will help. I brought a fairly use sewing machine so that it will be fast for me to learn ,now its difficult to use it.confuse on how to ho about it

  100. Hi! I am so happy I've finally found a site to help sew for beginners! Thank you ever so much! I am willing to learn, as I have children and would love to design styles.


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