
Start Our Free Online Sewing Class For Beginners

2:40 PM

Whether you just want to brush up on sewing or have never touched a sewing machine before, this is the place for you!  I teach sewing (in the non virtual form) and developed this free online course as a way to help my students and to help inspire others on the web to start to learn to sew.
Love the fabric of this shirt From Male Pattern Boldness
Each lesson is modeled after the basics I cover in my classes.  I rarely make my own tutorials since they're are so many great tutorials on line.  Each lesson is a collection of the best tutorials I have found on the web.  I'll often include both written tutorials and videos to give you a few different forms of the same info.  I find it helpful to learn from a few different source since hardly any sewing machine is the same, and some tutorials will mention things others will not.  I plan to slowly add more lessons as my time permits, so make sure to follow us so you don't miss any new lessons!  You can follow us on facebook, pinterest, bloglovin, or rss. 

image via pixie pie

Feel free to introduce yourself in the comment section of each lesson or ask any questions you have while learning!  I will to answer any questions that you have and others taking the class my have great suggestions too! 

lesson 1: Welcome and intro 
lesson 2:  Guide to Buying a Sewing Machine
lesson 3: Sewing Machine Supplies
lesson 4: Getting to Know Your Machine 
lesson 6: How to Sew Straight, Curved, and Corners
lesson 7: How to Sew a Basic Seam
lesson 8: Trouble Shooting your Machine 
lesson 9: Basic Sewing Terms
lesson 10: How to Fix Tension on Your Sewing Machine
lesson 11: How to Read a Sewing Pattern Envelope 

 http://ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com ©Oh You Crafty Gal!  All rights reserved.

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  1. Thank you so much for this! I've always wanted to learn how to sew, and the other day I found a great deal on a sewing machine, so I got one. Within five minutes of turning the darn thing on, I broke the needle! Your class will certainly be useful :p.....

    1. I'm glad you're excited about my online sewing class. I use all the resources on this site to help my classroom students (non virtual) and have gotten great feedback from them on this site. I just taught my last sewing class yesterday, and I usually post new lessons when I'm teaching but I was way too busy this time around. After I finish planting my garden (you can check that oust at my other blog http://theurbanhomestaed.blogspot.com) I plan to post new lesson plans, so check back soon and feel free to ask me any questions you have along the way, Paige.

    2. I used to be able to know how to thread a sewing machine but the one I got for Christmas a couple years back it seems like I have no idea what I'm doing. Can you help me with this?

  2. I'm excited to start sewing. My loving hubby gave me a great machine for Mother's Day, Singer Stylist! I really want to learn how to sew hems and patch work. Also if I could learn to "up-cycle" our girls' clothing that would be a great plus! Looking forward to learning from the beautiful country of Italia! Ciao Bella!!

    1. I'm glad you're excited to learn to sew. Knowing others are enjoying my posts and learning encourages me to spend time to create lessons. As I stated in my last comment my next posts will be new sewing lessons, so check back soon! In the mean time you can check out my How to Sew and Fix clothes series which I will add to as time permits. http://www.ohyoucraftygal.blogspot.com/search/label/tailoring Let me know if you have any questions as you go along with the lessons. Happy sewing!

  3. I am so glad I found this! I have wanted to learn to sew for a long time.

    1. Welcome to the class Terri, let me know if you have any questions along the way via comments, email, or facebook. Happy sewing!

  4. Great classes... thank you so much for the lessons :))

  5. Hello
    Im Alyssa,Im a cosplayer and I don't wanna buy anymore cosplays online I would like to make my own.So on my birthday a few months ago he bought me a sewing machine,but I have no idea how to make cosplay costumes.I hope this class would help me with my costume making ^_^

    1. Hi Alyssa thanks for introducing yourself to our class. One of the great benefits to learning to sew is to make custom items for yourself, family, and friends. Costumes is always a great thing to make yourself. I would suggest starting with easy items and then graduating into more difficult patterns. I would suggest starting with clothing items that don't need closures such as wrap skirts dresses etc, or uses ties, elastic, drawstring, or velcro (you can even buy no sew velcro) for closures. Also until you get more comfortable sewing you can do things like hem with fusible tape (it's like a glue that you use to iron fabric together) instead of sewing.

      The lessons I have so far should just barely get you up and sewing. Be sure to check back after you finish them, because I will post new ones as time permits. Currently I'm writing a series on big sixties hair on this blog and then I plan to add a new lesson.

      Hope this helps! Happy sewing.

  6. Very excited that you're providing a free class. Could you make one that's not gender-specific? Boys can sew too!

    1. Boys are very welcome in my class. I have a guy in almost all of my non virtual classroom classes. Could you be more specific to how my classes are gender specific so I can change anything that would make any guys not feel welcome? Thanks!

  7. Well, yes. Maybe a neutral-color sewing machine instead of the pink. Pics of guys and gals sewing (instead of just a gal). :D Maybe a costume photo gallery with all kinds of costumes? (I can't say, "Change the site name" because it's the site name ;) ) Thanks for your response!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Kristen. I've included in this post a picture of a shirt made by fellow blogger Peter Lappin of Male Pattern Boldness with a link to his site. His site is a great resource for learning to sew. I especially like his posts about his menswear class he took at FIT. As for the title of my blog, it's really referring to myself. This site is this "Crafty Gal's" way of spreading what craft skills I have, sharing what I make, and crafts I find inspiring on the web. :)

    2. Hello my name is Pauline. I always have an interest in sewing. My mom knew how to sew but never taught me. But l learned a few things on my own. I would like my daughter to this course with me. Is it appropriate for a thirteen years old that would like to know how to sew?

    3. Hi Pauline. Welcome to class. Yes this class is appropriate for a 13 year old. I taught kids sewing and fashion for a summer a few years ago. The kids I taught were age 6-14. I usually teach adults and found that kids are just as capable of learning as adults, they just have less patience and are more focussed on the project they are making vs learning and want quick results. In other words I'd start with very simple quick projects with her first. Some good ideals are pillows and stuffed animials. Hope this helps!

  8. I am so relieved to have found your website.

  9. I am so happy that I found your site! It is wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.

  10. hi! i have always wanted to learn more about sewing than the basic stuff i already know. Thank you for offering free classes online. You have such a good heart!

  11. I want to learn to sew so that I can make some diapers for my baby. Would these lessons teach me enough to be able to do that?

  12. Good morning,thanks for this opportunity,have learnt the basics,but would love if your next class will teach on how to cut materials and put them together,thank again

  13. I still think that this is hard to do so I think that I am going to stop doing this until I am older because I am only 12 years old. :-| So yeah no heart feelings though because I thought that this is cool but hard for my age though so yeah sorry. :-(

    1. If you're age 12, you actually ARE old enough to learn to sew. The best thing to try is to go to your local public library, and get a basic, learning the easy, small projects..so, that you don't get discouraged,because my daughter was 10 when she started sewing on my brand new sewing machine ! You simply need to have the right people to help you..and I am sure that at least one of your relatives knows the basics of sewing, or one of your friends may know more about it. I know that you must learn to use sharp scissors,etc. It's sometimes easier to learn from an actual person, in person..at least to learn the basics. It's not rocket science..you can do it !

  14. Thank you fro the great ideas, so much learning for this article. brilliant :)

  15. Thank you!! My 10 year old is learning to sew and lessons are so so expensive. I am going to start her here today!!!

  16. Hi,Im Margaret from PNG. I always wanted to learn how to sew but I dont know where to start. Im glad I foubd this site.

  17. Hi I am Yaaba from Ghana and really want to learn to sew my own clothes

  18. Hi! I'm Melissa in Arizona...this looks like a great place to start to learn to sew--better late than never, right? I've been wingin' it for a looooooooong time, and maybe (hopefully) here is where my "proper" education begins. Drumroll, please...

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  20. Hello:
    I am retired and learning to sew on a sewing machine is on my bucket list. I have my mother's old Elna which is currently being tuned up. found you site and will go through all your lessons. Thank you so much for posting.

  21. Thank you for this wonderful post. I’ve got a lot of ideas and strategy on how to build my own business. Thank you once again! It is very helpful.

  22. Hi 🙋 class,just joining the class hope to see you guys 😊 take care of me. Thanks

  23. I'm really glad I found this wonderful resource. I know knitting and crochet but have been frustrated by my lack of sewing skills. Thanks for sharing such valuable skills. I really appreciate it.

  24. I just ran across your site. I am very interested in learning to sew.My son gave me a sewing machine for my birthday. Ready to start.

  25. Just found your site and will be sticking around. Thanks for this platform.

  26. I've just found your site and I would love to learn how to make my own clothes and curtains. and nets . my name is jennifer Harvey . x

  27. Hi;I'm glad I found this bcouse I want to learn to start sewing👌👌👌👌👌

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