
Hey Girl.... Handmade Ryan Gosling

4:41 PM

Handmade Ryan Gosling
No, I don't have a thing for Ryan Gosling, but this is hilarious. And let's face it, sometimes crafting you need a good laugh! I thought I'd share this site in case you haven't already discovered Handmade Ryan Gosling.  Basically people submit images of Ryan Gosling that start with Hey Girl... followed by a funny craft related caption.  I thought I'd post a few of my favs.  You can visit Handmade Ryan Gosling for more or to submit your own.  Maybe I will.....hummm I'll have to think on this for awhile.

Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling
Handmade Ryan Gosling  http://handmaderyangosling.tumblr.com/tagged/knitting/page/2

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  1. The sewing table one is, hands-down, the best hey girl I've ever seen. ;-)


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