
Coco Chanel's Paris Apartment

6:44 PM

Coco in her Paris Apt from gomoneyways
I grew up reading about Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel, so I loved seeing these pictures of her Paris apartment from The Coveteur.  Coco Chanel is probably the Fashion Designer I admire and respect the most.  She was so ahead of her time and never doubted her sense of style.  She was born in 1883 in France and started of making hats in 1910.  Her hats became all the rage among the wealthy.  She started moving into women's fashion in 1913.  She was the first to use jersey material, which was used only for men's underwear.  Which is fitting because she was one of the first to introduce menswear inspired fashion to women's wear.  She also championed short hair long before it was fashionable.  She loved simplicity and had a vary distinct idea of style.  It makes me wonder what would someone as foreword thing as Chanel think of now.  What would be ahead of our time now?

Coco Chanel turned the building at 31 rue Cambon into her studio and fashion house.  She never slept there instead she slept at the Ritz and walked back to her apartment to work.  The Chanel Boutique has four floors – the shop is on the street level, dressing rooms on the second, Coco’s apartment is on the third, and her workshop was on the fourth.   I love how her apartment has a sense of elegance and warmth, and is timeless and yet modern at the same time.
The Coveteu 

The Coveteu
The Coveteu
The Coveteur
The famous staircase of multifaceted mirrors was where Chanel had her fashion viewings.  Where she would sit, on the top step, to look over the collections that were on display on the floor below. That way she was  able to see the models as they walked towards the crowds and able to hear the responses to the clothes, but unseen by all but her close associates.  Such a clever lady.
 Coco was very influenced by Asian design image via The Coveteur
The Coveteur
The Coveteur

The Covet
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